In memory of Paula Dienstag
Paula Dienstag was a victim of the Nazi regime as nearly six million Jews. At the age of 49 years she was deported by the Nazis to Auschwitz and murdered there. She lived until her deportation in Berlin's district Charlottenburg-Wilmersdorf, in Goethestraße 12. Since 26th of April 2012 a "Stolperstein" (stumbling block) remembers of her.
"A person is only forgotten, though his name is forgotten!" says Gunter Demnig, artist and initiator of the project "Stolpersteine". Stolperstein (in the singular) is the German word for "stumbling block". Demnig's Stolpersteine are small (10 x 10 cm), cobblestone-sized brass memorials for the victims of National Socialism. Set into the pavement of sidewalks in front of the buildings where Nazi victims once lived or worked, they call attention both to the individual victim and the scope of the Nazi war crimes.
The “Stolperstein” for Paula Dienstag was initiated by Petra Merkel, Member of the German Parliament, who has her constituency office nearby in Goethestraße 15. "At first I had only the name Paula Dienstag, the address and her life data. Then, I went
in search of clues. I wanted to bring the memory of her to life. Meanwhile Paula Dienstag not only get a facial, I
am very glad that I had the chance to met her grandson in Tel Aviv." says Petra Merkel.
This page will keep the memory of Paula Dienstag alive.